Thursday, March 20, 2008

Catholicism, Christianity and Knowledge!

As children in a Catholic country, our parents, grandparents, and our teachers in schools start to teach us about our religion, about the man called Jesus Christ and his teachings. As children, we saw Jesus as our protector, our safeguard and our idol, but as we enter the teen age years, we start asking questions about our religion, about ourselves and about our future. We start feeling a change in our body; a change in our way of thinking, we start being rebellious. I am nineteen years old, and I am living the last year as a teenager, and of course, I have my own views about Catholicism and Christianity. I see in Catholicism a religion of condemnation about many natural aspects of human being; condemnations about homosexuality, about pre-marriage intercourses, about different types of families etc. On the other hand, I am an admirer of the social aspect of Christ’s teachings, but not of the religious aspect. I can’t believe in the Catholic Church when its members have enormous richness in their churches and cathedrals, and they do nothing concrete to reduce poverty. I learned that Jesus was a man of the poor, a man who helped the poor, not a king living in a temple and sitting on a golden chair! Superstition is not the way to convince our and future generations, because we’re living in an era where we have access to knowledge, to the internet. In our era, we know that our planet is not the center of the universe, and our sun is just one of billions of stars in millions of galaxies, we know that the Jewish race is a race like others, and not some type of a supreme race chosen by God. Knowledge is the key for truth, and we are the generation who has easily access to knowledge, trough the internet, and for that, we have the responsibility to teach our children, not what we believe, but how to make their own searches and formulate their own opinions.


Maressa said...

I have my doubts about a lot of Church stuff... mostly the way a woman is portrayed and various other things! But Jesus is another thing! Remember that the Church is composed of human beings and jesus was not only a human being. That makes a lot of difference.

David Cuschieri said...

Hi Glenn! Prosit! I totally agree with your comments. I have had very mixed feelings about religion for many years. As a child and up to the age of 16, Jesus symbolised the figure of perfect love and understanding for me. I believed that he knew us so well as fallible human beings that he could only feel pain and sadness every time we acted in "evil" ways. His work with the poor and the suffering, his message of fraternity and love, these are things which are not easily forgotten by those who care about the other members of society. I must say, however, that even though Jesus might be inspiring in many ways, I find it virtually impossible to believe something simply because I am told that it is true. There are way too many things in Christianity and in practically every other religion that look like superstition to me.

As a very rational and scientific person, my mind cannot accept superstitious thinking which often takes a hostile attitude towards science. Even as a believer, I often had big problems with the concept of Hell; how could a loving God who created human beings send them to suffer for eternity? Love is constructive; it is not destructive or vindictive.

Maressa wrote that Jesus was not only a human being; well, that is a matter of faith. We have no historical evidence whatsoever to suggest that Jesus was truly something more than a human being.

On another note, I reject the idea that just because a person does not endorse a particular religious doctrine, he/she cannot be a "good" person. History has had various atheists who contributed a great deal of their time and energy to improving the lives of countless individuals. Love as well as the desire to make others happy do not have to be tied to religion.

Sol said...

Happy Easter, I can't say I agree with most of the things that you write but I sure enjoyed reading it all. Keep up the good writing and Ill be back soon for more.

Visit My blog here

Timothy said...

Greetings! Saw your post in Google Blogsearch and came to read.

>"condemnations about homosexuality, about pre-marriage intercourses, about different types of families etc."

Um, the Catholic Church does not condemn homosexuality or homesexuals. The Catholic Church does condemn some homosexual behaviors. Homosexuals are children of God with immortal souls made in His image. God has aperfect plan for their salvation. The Church was given by God for the use of homosexuals also.

Regarding pre-marriage intercourses, that is not just a Catholic thing , but applies to all Christian religions, Judaism, Islam, and even some agnostic sects. You seem to be opposing a universial social rule.

As to different "types of families etc", you'll need to elaborate and not generalize. By family, most folks mean a male, a female, and their offspring. Its the offspring that makes a unit a social family. I am unaware of any other social unit that generates offspring, but I could be in error.

>" can’t believe in the Catholic Church when its members have enormous richness in their churches and cathedrals"

Uh huh, our forefathers had such love and devotion to God that they gave their best materials and their best craftsmanship to build churches to express that love. You could sell every bit of Catholic property in the world and still only have about $1,000 per poor person. After that is squandered in the first few weeks buying lavish goods, then what? The poor are still hungry and the world has lost it Catholic inheritance.

The myth is far more enjoyable than the reality.

>"they do nothing concrete to reduce poverty"

That 100% false. The Catholic Church is the largest charity on the planet.

The Catholic Church operates more hospitals than the largest governments. Catholics invented hospitals.

The Catholic Church operates the largest school system in the world and has done more to educate the poor and lift them from their poverty.

Check out this YouTube video:

>Red: "my mind cannot accept superstitious thinking which often takes a hostile attitude towards science."

You're not talking about the Catholic Church as scientific truth is not incompatible with Catholicism. All truth is from and of God and leads us closer to God. The Catholic Church developed the university system and the scientific method. Catholics have done most of the heavy lifting regarding the advancement of science.

>Red: "We have no historical evidence whatsoever to suggest that Jesus was truly something more than a human being"

Bull! There are more surviving eyewitness accounts and historical texts regarding the lfe of Jesus than any other historical figure. Jesus either was or wasn't God as He claimed to be. If Jesus wasn't God as He claimed, then he was either a liar or a madman. The historical evidence doesn;t support liar nor does it support madman. Your statement seems more of a contrived cover story for your own spiritual laziness than a valid arguement.

>Red: "History has had various atheists who contributed a great deal of their time and energy to improving the lives of countless individuals."

While that may be, history has most of the world's greatest atrocities being commited by atheists and under atheist governments. Also, in the 7,000 years of recorded human history there has never once been found a naturally occuring atheistic. Every human society known has always ackowledged the existance of God.

God bless...


GleGer said...

Timothy: ‘’Um, the Catholic Church does not condemn homosexuality or homosexuals. The Catholic Church does condemn some homosexual behaviors.’’

What behaviors?

‘’Regarding pre-marriage intercourses, that is not just a Catholic thing , but applies to all Christian religions, Judaism, Islam, and even some agnostic sects. You seem to be opposing a universal social rule.’’

I’m not the only one who is opposing to this ‘universal social rule’; the majority of the people are opposing to this ‘universal social rule’, because the majority of the people had a pre-marriage intercourse/s in their life.

About the atheists, you said to Red: ‘’ While that may be, history has most of the world's greatest atrocities being commited by atheists and under atheist governments.’’

Also, in the history of the Catholic Church there were also thousands of atrocities commited by the Church.

Thanks for your comments.

tarciso said...

while I'm thinking about the life, religion, god, evil... there are many doubts about everything, just not about time goes bye and Jesus's ideas are all good, his teachtings are always about love, peace, mutual tolerance... I think that the best to the world is to follow him as if someone belongs or not to a church or a religion... I hope you understand me cause I speak portuguese and my english is not good as your is...

Anonymous said...

You're talking about knowledge but forgot to mention the very basic thing of knowledge... the Word of God. You dont find 'knowledge' through internet. Everyone builds his own knowledge from what he reads and how he reasons that out. Internet is a skip of information where everyone writes what he wants as he wants. The Word of God has been there for 1000's of years now and still proves to be infallible. You're still at a young age and at your age i thought i was someone. But time will teach you that no one is nothing without God. Jesus loves you and he's not a moral teacher, but the Savior.

Regarding homosexuality and pre-marriage intercourse. Many people like yourself think that the religion is there to please the people's opinion but it's not. The religion should be the teaching of the Word of God. So if you want the truth search for it in the Word of God. Now its either you want to live by God's will or not. If you decide not, just stick to that decision and don't criticize the church or religion. Everyone is free to choose.
Jesus loves you and it's up to you to accept or not his invitation.

Anonymous said...

Reply to Red's post [March 21, 2008 2:07 PM]

- God is Love. He gave us free will and it's not God that sends us the Hell but it's ourselves. Imagine yourself to have a son who you really love. And this son falls in the trap of drugs. What would you do? You would love him and help him in any way to keep him from falling to destruction. But if then your son dies with an overdose.. Did you kill him? or he killed himself? (hope this paragon helps you understand)

- On the contrary, there is evidence that Jesus is more than a human. His Resurrection is the proof. Many tried to proof that Jesus didn't rise from death, but all failed.

- You're right. You dont have to believe in God to be 'good' cause God created everyone in His own image. The whole concept of the Word of God is not to be good but to be saved. Which makes a great difference!


Maressa said...

I agree with Mark.

Also, having FAITH implies that you're not scientifically sure about something but still believe it. If all is backed scientifically then it can't be FAITH, it would be KNOWLEDGE! I'm happy with knowledge, but I think it's totally ridiculous to make it a point not to believe in anything not backed up by scientific knowledge... you're indirectly saying that humans are Gods and we've discovered and will discover all?

Also, it's so easy to criticise... but thing is this! When you join a club you abide by its rules or you don't join at all. Same with the Church. Nobody is making you accept choose to accept or opt out! So why all this criticism? I suspect that even when one is 'out of religion' it's still important in people's lives.

Anonymous said...

Hmm...where do I begin?

"Jesus either was or wasn't God as He claimed to be. If Jesus wasn't God as He claimed, then he was either a liar or a madman".

Actually, Jesus never claimed he was god. If you want to say he did, please quote and reference.

"While that may be, history has most of the world's greatest atrocities being commited by atheists and under atheist governments".

Apart from the claim being false, the point is that no atrocity has ever been committed by atheists for the sake of atheism. The same cannot be said of religion.

"Internet is a skip of information where everyone writes what he wants as he wants".

So is the bible.

"The Word of God has been there for 1000's of years now and still proves to be infallible".

The gross contradictions prove this claim to be false. If the bible were infallible, we would be compelled to murder homosexuals and disrespectful children. Read Deuteronomy and Leviticus.

"The religion should be the teaching of the Word of God. So if you want the truth search for it in the Word of God. Now its either you want to live by God's will or not. If you decide not, just stick to that decision and don't criticize the church or religion. Everyone is free to choose".

No we are not. Unfortunately we live in a pseudo-theocracy, where anything the church says is law. Unbelievers have no choice.

"On the contrary, there is evidence that Jesus is more than a human. His Resurrection is the proof. Many tried to proof that Jesus didn't rise from death, but all failed".

One obviously cannot disprove a negative (try proving that there are no invisible fairies). However, what proof is there that Jesus actually resurrected? And I mean actual proof, not something written decades or more after the supposed happening.

"When you join a club you abide by its rules or you don't join at all. Same with the Church. Nobody is making you accept anything..."

Oh yes you are. No gay marriage. No divorce.

Anonymous said...

One more thing:

"Also, in the 7,000 years of recorded human history there has never once been found a naturally occuring atheistic".

Actually it is atheism that is natural. Everyone is born an atheist. People become religious through education/indoctrination (depends on one's point of view).