Friday, March 7, 2008

We are all wage slaves!

We are all wage slaves! The pro-capitalism governments tell us that if we don’t want to work, we can! But in reality can we not work? If we don’t, from where would we earn the money to buy food, clothes etc… The reality is that the workers are a tool for their employer’s profit. To make this truth acceptable for the workers, the pro-capitalism governments tell us that in today’s world the workers and the employers are on the same boat! With the ‘same boat’ example, I argue that in reality, the employers are on big luxurious yachts, and the workers are on small unattractive boats! Having said that, I don’t know any employer who shares his/her property with the workers! I don’t know any employer who shares his/her profits equally with the workers! In reality the ‘same boat’ is a capitalist invention, because the truth is that every employer is seeing the workers as a tool for profits, and like a car gives them the patrol (the wage) to continue working for the cause of the employer’s profits! Nowadays we are living in an era of civilized slavery, I hope that one day justice triumphs, and the capitalist system would be replaced by a fairer system, where classes become a thing of the past, hopefully!!!


David Cuschieri said...

Prosit, Glenn! Great post! Niskanta kif hawn tant persuni li jaqilghu paga baxxa u xorta jibqghu jfahhru lil min ihaddimhom meta dan ta' l-ahhar kapaci jaghti hafna aktar mill-gid li ghandu kieku ghandu kuxjenza socjalista! Izda le...min ihaddem imur jiffanfra b'xi yacht waqt li l-haddiema li jiddipendu fuq il-paga fl-ahhar tax-xahar jaraw jekk hux se jirnexxilhom igemmghu xi ftit Euros minn xahar ghal xahar! U l-yachts jibqghu biss fil-holm ghal dawk l-eluf ta' haddiema!

La delirante said...

Very well written post Glenn and very interesging too! I also think that the falacy of the argument "workers and the employers are on the same boat" is just manipulation used by many politicans. We are definitely not in the same boat employers and employees and that can be seen clearly in any office, the salaries reamin stuck or increase just a bit while as the profits are usually increasing considerably... :( How can we all possibly be owners of companies?

Have a lovely week Glenn!